Wormhole? The Wormhole is the ' something ' that exist theoretically. At
least until this article was written, the wormhole exists only on paper
theory, or appear in movies and science fiction books. The existence of the wormhole in theory began when Albert Einstein introduces the general theory of relativity. Einstein shows that the masses can create a curved space (time)/folded, the greater the mass, the more curved the space (time). It's hard to imagine it?
In 1919, Arthur Eddington proves, when at that time the Total solar eclipse occurs; the stars around the Sun observed in position is shifted from the position that it should be.Of course at the time of the Eclipse, the stars could be observed during the day. And evidence of these observations show that Einstein was indeed correct. How stars can be shifted from a position that was supposed to be? Because the Sun's gravitational field to bend toward the glow of the stars.
But evidence of the bending of light by the Sun during an Eclipse that has nothing to do with the wormhole. Proof by the Eddington showed that Einstein's theory of relativity is correct. From that theory, a fundamental thought we knew then was that mass affect the space (and time). In general the gravity is closely related to the geometry of the light, how can we turn, it was unimaginable before. Simply put, how the relationship of gravity and geometry can be described as shown here.
should be understood that before Einstein, space and time are two
separate entities, but Einstein's theory says that space and time is a
single entity which is inseparable. Thus, the geometry here should be understood as a time-space relationship.
at the work of Einstein, Einstein used the mathematical theory known as
the Einstein field equations, and the solution is known as the
Scwarzschild solution. The solution to this theory describes gravitational field on mass symmetry-ball, not rotating. This solution is the forerunner of the blackhole (Blackhole Schwarzschild).
In 1916, shortly after introducing Einstein's theory of relativity; Ludwing
Flamm realized that Einstein's equations had another solution, known as
the White Hole, and that both of these solutions outlines the existence
of two regions in space-time (flat) linked (mathematically) by the
presence of a ' tunnel ' space-time. Because the
theory has not said where the space of time in the real world, so could
have been black-hole as the entrance and the white hole as an exit, but
it could be in the same world with us (the space of time that we can
understand), or at any other time and space (another parallel universe,
universe, past, present, future?). But, White Hole, the second law of thermodynamics, as such, the existence of the White Hole hard earned easily.
In 1935, Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen learn more link Black Hole and White Hole; that
of the formulation of the theory of general relativity, spacetime is
curved structure can connect two regions of space-time, through a
similar aisle, as shortcuts in space. This work is formally known as the Einstein-Rosen bridge. The
goal is not to study the travel faster than light or travel between the
universes, but rather in the seeking explanations on fundamental
particles (such as electrons) in spacetime. Einstein-Rosen bridge is known also by other names, such as Schwazschild or Wormhole Lorentzian wormhole.
1962, John Wheeler and Robert Fuller showed that wormhole type
Einstein-Rosen bridge is unstable, causing the light cannot pass through
a momentary wormhole formed. Then, do wormhole could not pass? (Traversable)? We will review about the traversable wormhole, just later.
So, since then, the theory about wormhole continuously examined; Likewise, the urban legend about the wormhole was present in society, particularly in the science fiction literature.
theories of wormhole is growing: it has the same principle, i.e. the
mathematical solution of the geometric relationships between a point in
spacetime with another point, where the relationship can behave as a '
short cut ' in space-time.
How the wormhole formed? Back on the illustration images of the Earth. If
there is a curvature of space-time at some point, and connected with
the curvature of the spacetime, then so is the description of the
wormhole. As in the following illustration, taken from the film Stargate S1, as if everything were beautiful and fun. Like the Doraemon, we open the door, and then we get to a place that jauhh all. Ah the beauty of science fiction.
Wormhole-related relationships in spacetime, known as wormhole Laurentzian. The
relationship here of course is said to be a shortcut, because: If the
journey from the gate to the Moon, can be made much more quickly, even
faster than the speed of light is the normal path. (Of
course means faster than the speed of light because it uses the more
shortcuts, not because of the ' faster than speed of light '). It is of course, if the journey is indeed can be done via wormhole.
However, complexity arises, because, if we can determine the end of our journey? Are we going to come out on the other end, in the same universe? Or in a parallel universe? Or we appear at the same time? Do we appear in our time? Or in the past? Or the future? Of
course all possible, because Laurentzian wormhole is a product of the
general theory of relativity, which States that all moves both in space
and in time.
Lorentzian wormholes are divided into two types:
1) Inter-universe wormholes, wormholes connecting our universe with the ' universe '. It is alleged about the existence of a parallel universe.
2) Intra-universe wormhole wormholes, connecting the two areas within the same universe.
is also another wormhole is known as Euclidean wormholes, which, it is
in the process of the wormhole is very micro, a major concern because
the quantum field theory. Thus this type of wormhole, at this time will not be discussed, and Laurentzian wormhole is a wormhole that we discussed.
Back to the question, is it possible we travel through a wormhole? Kip
Thorne and Mike Morris in 1988 suggested that wormhole can be
maintained stability using exotic matter (material that is still
theoretical, and has not been found in the world, with such behavior a
negative mass or reject gravity, rather than adhering to the law of
Gravitation). Model theory is known as a Morris-Thorne wormhole. Theories
that were developed to maintain the stability of the wormhole, so can
be traversed, so far based on the argument that, no matter who we ketahi
be acting to maintain stability, because it requires the existence of
negative energy.
the wormhole is still a discourse theory (and urban legend), but there
has been no evidence to support its existence, either from observations
and experimentally. If the wormhole that's not possible then there is? Or could it be the wormhole made?
In theory, we could build a wormhole. Here's How? So
spacetime can be folded it takes matter and energy are very good, so
we're just looking for a very solid material in outer space there, you
name it, from ne (u) tron. Neutron star, why? Neutron
star is a type of star that his mass reach 1.35 to 2.1 times masssa
Sun, but with a radius of only 20 to 10 miles, reaching 30 000 – 70
thousand was smaller than the Sun. Thus, the weight of the neutron star reach types of 8 × 10 ^ 13 to 2 × 10 ^ 15 g/cm ^ 3.
How much? "To taste" – to be a giant-sized ring forming Earth's orbit around the Sun. Then, create another ring at the other end. After
the construction of giant rings at both ends are finished, give it a
very high voltage, on both ends, rotated until it reaches the speed of
light — both of them, and voila, travel across spacetime immediately.
fact that traveling through time, when jumping into the future it could
be accepted, because indeed it does not conflict with the theory of
special relativity, but if his trip back in time? It became a controversy, it's hard to understand, could even pose a paradox.
one end of a wormhole that has been made is driven with the rate
reaching speed of light, and accordingly of the special theory of
relativity, the speed of an object, reaching the speed of light, time
goes into slow; the relative motion creates the time difference between the two. Such that the edges of the aisle created by different time. If the end of the silence, someone moves further into the future, but the reverse, from moving, he will return to the past!
is where his controversy, if someone came back from the future, and
then killing her parents before she was born, then how can he be ' there
' and carry out a mission to kill her parents? With
the knowledge of the Quantum theory, Stephen Hawking's Chronology
Protection Conjecture introduces ', ' protect ' can travel between that
time. Because in theory, in the hallway of the
particle-antiparticle pairs continuously created and mutually nullify,
thus dangerously overflowing with energy, it could even surpass exotic
energy needed to open a wormhole gate. And, the wormhole will be distracted and closed, even before the time machine was created. Then do so a time machine it was impossible?
Anything that might actually happen, do wormhole as time machine exist? Could happen? Or as a portal between spaces? All
still open, still had to wait a long waiting, because it still had to
find understanding and unification of the theory of quantum mechanics
and gravity.
his explanation, ya I agree ama nih theory that a worm hole is
a dimension that can get someone back then kemassa or to the next mass
or do not do this often in the wormhole use by aircraft aircraft ufo
to explore the time
or do not do the lost lemuria mysteriously come into the worm hole
and has set up a new life in another dimension.
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