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Saturday 20 April 2013

LONDON-Nearly two-thirds of citizens of the United Kingdom supported the introduction of the concept of "pay as you weigh" of prices. So as a new study showed.

Last week, Samoa Air became the first airline ticket price according to weight (W). Passengers who fly with Samoa in the South Pacific Air must pay one Samoan Tala (approximately $ 43.3) for each kilogram of weight, combined with the weight of their goods.

Recently, a poll on nearly 2,500 citizens United Kingdom by travel agents online, Sunshine.co.uk, revealed that 63 percent of respondents support the policy. Meanwhile, only 29 percent were opposed, and the remaining eight percent are not sure.

The majority of respondents felt would benefit from the concept of "pay according to weight loss" for the price of a plane ticket. Of those in favor, only one in five respondents who acknowledged her fat. Meanwhile, nearly three quarters of those opposed to subsume herself overweight.

The findings are supported by Sunshine.co.uk poll of more than 2,000 readers who carried out last week by Telegraph. The Telegraph poll found that nearly 80 percent of respondents want passengers pay according to their weight.

The two polls above as affirming that the concept is applied to Samoa Air could be accepted. Because, the weight of the load being carried on an aircraft, the cost of services were also getting bigger. The biggest cost is mainly derived from the fuel, whose price has increased sharply in recent years.

In fact, operators have conducted flight efficiency by designing a more imaginative way. Call it the Ryanair, was discussing the concept of a "fat tax" or "tax the fat". Efficiency is also done in a way to reduce the size of the magazine in its flight, from A4 to A5.

"We would never consider such a policy," said a spokesman for British Airways.

How much money goes into effect airline? There has been no calculations that really lays it down.

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