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Saturday 20 April 2013

Benefits of papaya Fruits – papaya Fruit provides vitamin A which is good for eye health is also immune to vitamin C. To get it too hard, not in the mall lot gives the kind of papaya. Its relatively cheap price with a lot of benefits to our body. Papaya has a unique flavor, in addition to the fruit as well as for making sauce, soy sauce, etc. Benefits Of Papaya for health we amongst others is as follows

1. contains vitamins A, C and Betakaroten
If you have a problem with the eyes, consuming papaya fruit is very necessary, because it is very helpful because it contains vitamin a. Too great for immune

2. prevents premature aging

papaya Fruit Benefits 300x228 PepayaJika want to have beautiful skin and not quickly broken, use papaya as a beauty and facial treatments. Because it is rich in antioxidants and very good in ward off free radicals

3. eliminates acne

Add a spoon of honey and juice or DAB on your face on a regular basis will address the problem of acne and black flecks that stubborn done routinely

4. in the Detoxification of the body

Warding off and clean the toxins in the body by consuming it with enough

5. as an antioxidant

The antioxidants contained in the papaya especially Vitamin C helps protect the skin from sun damage. Papaya juice is very helpful to reduce brown spots due to sun exposure is too long.

6. Papaya contain enzymes

An enzyme called papain is used to help digest protein and can be used to treat injuries and allergies. The enzyme papain was efficacious as a stomachic, such as diarrhea, stomach ulcers and constipation

With so many benefits of papaya contained therein should we provide in our refrigerator along with other fruit. Hopefully the Creaca Benefits above can help you with health problems that are being experienced. Benefits Of Papaya Fruit.

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Source: http://kopihijau.info/ 

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