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Monday 15 April 2013

One way to make our blogs many visitors besides blogwalking, is to add address back links on our blog.
back links
lose it if you have a good blog-good but dont anyone read your article?

Do all the steps that are listed below, and Copy-Paste the posting below from------Copy Start here------to----finished---.

----------start copy------------
Please read carefully and then apply it correctly ....
A philosophy of saying "Honesty is The Best Policy (honesty is the best political/strategy)", this is what we shall prove it .... What is the concept of honesty can we generate traffic and popularity though superior the complicated concept of the expert webmaster or SEO expert ..?...
I am sure this concept at home could run properly ..., when this web you apply in accordance with the:
-Web you will be flooded with visitors incredible traffic day after day, without needing to bother thinking about SEO or tired-tired of promotion keberbagai place in the world of the internet.
-Web you'll be swamped by backlink extraordinary day by day, without needing to bother hunting links keberbagai place in the world of the internet.
All you need to do is follow these steps:
1. create a posting articles like this my post, or copy-paste this post.Give the title up to you (because it is SEO for your own blog).
2. you only need to put the links below in your postings.

3. you must visit the kesetiap blog is listed on right now (1 x alone is enough)
(so don't forget)
1. before you put the links above in your blog post, please remove the Link number 1, so the link no 1 is missing from the list of links and each link will go up 1 level up. Formerly no. 2 rose to no1, which had been no. 3 No. 2, which had been no. 4 No. 3 and so on. Then enter your Link at the very bottom of the sequence (number 10).
2. Prohibited to change order of list of links
If the bloggers who participated in this successful concepts in other blogger ole duplication will be joined, such as the 5 bloggers that join the backlinks you can is
When your position 10, the number of backlinks = 1
Position 9, jml backlinks = 5
Position 8, jml backlinks = 25
Position 7, jml backlinks = 125
Position 6, jml backlinks = 625
Position 5, jml backlinks = 3.125
Position 4, jml backlinks = 15.625
Position 3, jml backlinks = 78.125
Position 2, jml backlinks = 390.625
Position 1, jml backlinks = 1.953.125
And all Of the keywords you want, imagine if it was successful in terms of SEO you have got an 1.953.125 out of nowhere comes from scattered everywhere. Not to mention if anyone visiting your blog from the above Link List automatically you get blog traffic too.
Remember you must start from the lowest order (No. 10) for Maximum results your backlink, don't blame me if you do not run this concept with the right and the links you suddenly are on the order of no 1 and disappear on the Link list. Thus began the sequence of the last one.(No. 10).
remember the visit 10 blogs that are in the list that you receive right now (so not of forgetfulness)
Can we do is not fair or dishonest sabotage this concept, for example "removing all links from" and then in the content with our own web/blog ...?....Can, and this concept will not be up to prove honesty is the best political strategy/.....But I am sure that we all do not want to drop the credibility of yourself with such cheesy action ...

-Once again I would like to remind, your honesty is expected for the passage of Arisan Backlink.
-Visit all addresses listed above, although only 5 seconds.
-Be careful in putting up links (Links that add up to 10 pieces), due to the large number of Links that were posted, can you just mistaken/crosspost in the installation.
-You can add a few pleasantries before/after posting to Copy-Paste.
You can just copy the link below so as not to crosspost remove top links your link may be located at the bottom of the order so each org yg post order are below, if your link is placed on top of the losses remain on your own because your link will be lost if the article spread again, useless you follow this program. So sort correctly.

Source: http://cybermu-wizard.blogspot.com/ 

Thank you for visiting and reading the articles of my blog. Hopefully useful and fun .... Contact me iarryirawan07@gmail.com


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