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Monday 15 April 2013

VIVAnews-world champion version WBA featherweight from Indonesia, Chris John, annoyed by his opponent that the origin of Japan's Satoshi Hosono. Chris judge plays a cunning opponent in the game.

Chris John played a goalless draw with Hosono in the game which takes place in Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, Sunday night, April 14, 2013.

A fight between Chris and Hosono was discontinued in round 3. Why, professional Boxer of the city itself was injured enough in the RIP on the forehead right and left eyebrow.

The cuts make the blood keeps pouring rapidly. The referee saw that wound quite disturbing, thus stopping the match that carried out the inspection.

"To be honest, I am less satisfied. But, this is boxing. We never know what will happen. From the beginning, he plays dirty. Was there something in the Holster his fist. He also used the head to make a second cut on my eyebrow, "Chris John said after the match.

Chris judge, himself could not display the best performance because the time is too short. The fight was to 9 minutes.

"My view is not 100 percent and opaque because of injuries in the crush. The wound was deep enough and one of the most severe injuries in my career. "

Meanwhile, Chris John, Coach Craig Christian, affirming her boxers will not be repeated against the Magpies Hosono. "For what is repeated? The enemy will surely do the same again, playing dirty. That is certainly the plan, "said Craig.

With this action, a total of Chris John is through 51 matches during his career. She received 48 WINS and three from their results. The 33 year old Boxer never loses. It is also for the 18th time successfully defended his title. (one)
 Source: http://sport.news.viva.co.id/


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