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Monday 22 April 2013

Incrase trafic with Find out the most popular Keyword on Google

Google has a service to display keyword-keyword pupuler or most wanted. For friends bloggers, see keyword-keyword what is most sought after by users of the internet, of course, could be a reference to develop the content of your blog/website. In the previous tutorial I have ever memabahas how to leverage Google's keyword tool to assist you in selecting the title of the post, if you haven't read silhkan read it here first.  

On this occasion I will discuss how to take advantage of one of the other popular service from google which http://www.google.com/insights/search/. This google service gives us the ease to find out what keywords are most popular. There are some filters we can use chat, Search Type (Penelususran Web, image, news and Penelususran product), location Search (Seleuruh of the world, certain countries), time (last 7 days, 1 month, year, time etc.), category (a range of category). For more details see the following picture.
From the picture we can see, in Indonesia, we can specify any sub-region (provinces) which we want to use. For example here is the result of a search based on a filter that I gave in the image above, actually there is a chart on the penelususran but I didn't get to display the results.
Okay friends, so article from me. May be useful for you.
Thank you for your kunjunganya in my Blog.

Thank you for visiting and reading the articles of my blog. Hopefully useful and fun .... Contact me iarryirawan07@gmail.com


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