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Sunday 14 April 2013

increase blog traffic
How to increase your blog traffic? This is a question that is very much available in cyberspace especially science blogger or website. Of course, all the bloggers will want to increase their blog traffic just is not a lot of bloggers who know how to do it. I will share a few things here, hopefully you all can help.

The basic principle to increase your blog traffic.Have you ever heard the saying "where there is sugar, there are ants". So your mission is to provide a "sugar" for "ant" in cyberspace. Why do ants find sugar? Because they need sugar to be a source of energy for their activities, without sugar they could be in big problem. So sugar is an urgent need and a solution to the problems of their lives.

If you want to know how to increase blog traffic, then the answer is simple "Provide what is needed or that can be a solution for the problems of others." If you can do that, then you already have a solid foundation to start a blog to gain traffic. So the next step you have to do is make a quality article.

Key quality articles to increase traffic blog. Trust me, It works!I will not elaborate here. Quality articles to the blog gives you the ability to get people to come again and again. Thus, your blog traffic will experience a doubling. The definition of quality articles is to provide the necessary information and can solve the problem of blog visitors.

Quality articles should also be presented in an interesting language, and of course your blog must make visitors feel comfortable. Today many blogs show gadget cover article in the hope that visitors want to click on the ad before reading. I better shut the blog as it is, there are many choices in the virtual world.

Regular updates are also visible effect on the number of visitors to the blogThe more variety of articles in your blog, the more the variety of keywords that can be handled by your blog. Suppose my article this week wrote "How to increase blog traffic?" Next week I may write a similar article titled "How to get more visitors to my blog?"

The article is just the same money and highly correlated, so I can make a link between the two. So for the user keyword "increase blog traffic" will be delivered to the article google that one, while for the user keywords "many visitors the blog" Google will be delivered to the other article. Do not be lazy to make the article, if you want your blog popular.

Note: This article updates Routine quality and can only increase blog traffic if Onpage optimization and optimization Offpage been done up. So the two tips above are just a complement of SEO onpage and offpage optimization.Google is not the only source of blog traffic!This is what you need to realize from the outset. You can increase your blog traffic not just from Google. Have you utilizing social media such as Twitter? Why not do follow a lot of people and ask politely for a follow back from them? Then create an article with a catchy title and post its URL in your twitter posts. Post URL once an hour. You will see the addition of twitter blog traffic.

This also applies to Facebook, you can post or mentagging many people for a splashy photos or news of your blog. Or you can also create a new account to find a friend to thousands of people, so that every time you post a status of the blog will be directly seen thousands of people.

Not to mention the traffic from forums. Try looking for forums that match the theme on your blog. You can comment there, leaving a link to your blog for more information. If you are lucky and it dofollow forums, then you not only get traffic, but also a backlink.

That is not less steady is a question and answer site. For starters you can try to sign up on Yahoo! Answers. Leave a link for visitors who want to get more detail information.

Is Blogwalking can increase traffic?Sure, but you should step in is a visit home blogwalking many blogs at once. Then you create a database in Ms.Excel, whichever blog chatboxnya crowded. Why is that? Because of a lively blog you can get a visit back to 5-10 people per posting. If the blog was quiet, you will only waste your time and quota online.


Thank you for visiting and reading the articles of my blog. Hopefully useful and fun .... Contact me iarryirawan07@gmail.com


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