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Sunday 14 April 2013

Traffic Blog
How To Blog Crowded Visitors - The first time a blogger and learn a blog, the first thing we experienced was confused about the ways to fix the blog, it is a natural thing, because of course all bloggers experienced similar things as I do, then I have not know how to create a new post let alone install widgets and other trinkets. However, that's the most impressive in the world of blogging, because the process within which we live, along with the curiosity of the world we blog further, by itself would result in learning that makes us understand what is the meaning of a blog.

Back to our topic before, this time I am going to reveal some tips for our blog visitors and comments will be crowded. Actually, without us knowing blogger friends, traffic sources and visit our blog site is sourced from a search engine such as Google, et al. Since many people assume that the search engines will help them in finding what they want on the internet, it is because it is of course very important to us that we have to maximize SEO, but in addition to many SEO experts say that blogging template and SEO is the second option, foremost and primary is good content and can be useful for readers, it open content 'good' to trick 'robot' search engine result that is in the top results.

Regardless, as I said earlier, the content is the primary factor that most basic of a blog, blog it will look more beautiful if decorated with knick-knacks and a great template, but the search engine does not need it all, the required search engine robot is great content and pure, they do not care about us blog look good or bad, which is why the content becomes no.1 in us building a blog.Well, this time I will discuss in detail about the ways or tips to our blog and many crowded leaves a trail / comments:

Content, just repeat it, these factors make the power of your blog to keep going, do not care about appearance or 'beauty' blog, it is consistent with the regularly writes articles for the benefit of the reader and to be interesting, because that is what is needed to bring in traffic and visits , because we use the template 'default' of bloggers though, if we regularly write good articles, the search engine robots will love our blog.

Backlinks, backlink in Indonesian means backlinks or link link towards the blog. In fact, without our realizing it, these factors are 'enough' affect the strength of the corresponding result of our blog in the search engines, but in building backlinks there are some things we need to consider, seek quality backlinks from sites with high PR and a fairly well-known (famous), the high quality backlink sites that gives us the better, because it indirectly robots search engine will quickly find out where our blogs and 'download capnya' with a good reputation because it is connected with a lot of quality sites. Besides, now I will give you a pretty good trick to get quality backlinks, by commenting on the blog with bravejournal platforms, such as namadomain.bravejournal.com, ending with. Bravejournal.com, like blogspot. Bravejournal Platform is the platform of Korean ginseng country, and almost all bravejournal blog is dofollow, so we will be more easy to embed a quality backlink on the blog without having to buy a link 'pay-links'.

SEO, seo might talk about the blogger friends already know? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which means search engine optimization. In order for improve seo, a lot of factors that will affect it, such as the structure of the template is good and not much of the error (check the blog error: http://validator.w3.org/), meta tag structure is good and 'not' confuse robots in the article indexes, can be read before dipostingan Best SEO Meta Tag Version Farhan Share. As we discussed earlier about the structure of a good template, use the template seo friendly, simple display nan attractive, and easy loading, so visitors and robots will be more like our blog with a simple, no heavy loading her page, and includes all HTML code seo factors, such as the use of tags H4, H5, and H6, for seo template can be downloaded in mastemplate.com.

Directories and Social Bookmarks, this factor may be just a 'little' different or similar to build backlinks. Right now on the Internet lots scattered social bookmarking sites and blogs with high PR directories, so we can use it to simply 'leave' backlink that led to your blog, because that's the purpose of the directory and social bookmarking made. In addition, the usefulness of social bookmarking is to boost the ranking position with the help of our article on their site, so from the link in the bookmarking sites will be directly connected with the url address of our articles, so it also can be one solution to bring visitors to the blog. Is actually quite simple once you use is to submit your articles url to social bookmarking sites and search engines will be 'more' rapidly Meng-index, because they have a high PR. Some directories and social bookmarking sites that I recommend is, among other things: Lintas.me, Infogue.com, jaditerkenal.com, hasbenyou.com, and Digg.com. And the other is Dmoz.org directories, this site has a pagerank 7-8 (very good), but it is not easy to get into our blog directory, because many of the requirements that we must meet, however, there were no salahnyakan try? please apply directly on the site Dmoz.org.

Submit Articles to Google Add URL Blog and Ping, Well, here's the usual ritual I do every time you finish an article, namely mensubmitnya to Google Add URL, the way it is also very easy and convenient, we just enter the url of our blog articles ago enter the captcha and click 'send request', it automatically links to the article we will go on a waiting list and the course will enable the robot to be indexed in search engines. You can visit her site at Google.com / addurl. If the easy way to ping your blog once you submit your article url googleping.com.

Blog promotion, blog promotion in fact there are so many activities that can be done, ranging from advertisements on blog friends, post links, submit your blog to directories, blogs blogwalking to friends and leave comments (not spam), making stickers and stuck in various places (not fouled), making SEO contest (so much to know about our blog and get a backlink from contest participants), distributing T-shirts with our blog posts, share forums (ex. kaskus), make a video tutorial with a credit link to our blog (youtube), making tutorial pdf with credit link to our blog, make software free to the credit link to our blog, and much more to others.

Sitemap, and here it is the latter, namely Submit Sitemap to Webmaster blog, but I will use this time is Google Webmaster, because until now I was the one who dominates the search engine market when compared to other search engines like Yahoo!, Bing, and Baiddu. Sitemap is a page that contains all the content of our blog format. Xml to facilitate the search engines to find and index the blog article. For those of you who do not know how to submit a sitemap, see the article on the blog of my friend on How to Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Blog.

Read also the article How to quickly Increase Blog Traffic


Thank you for visiting and reading the articles of my blog. Hopefully useful and fun .... Contact me iarryirawan07@gmail.com


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