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Saturday 20 April 2013

Many ways to improve page view of your blog or website, other than the adds to the facilities or related post related articles, there are other facilities that you can put on your blog's side bar which is in other words or Random post is articles displayed randomly. As for how to make a random post blogger is not difficult, just copy paste the code I show below, trus install deh in the sidebar of blogger. How do want to try it?

Stages how to make a random post on blogspot, as follows:

  • Log in toyour blogger account
  • ClickAdd pageelement>draft>add>Html/javascriptgadget
  • Enter the codebelow

<script type="text/javascript" >
function pipeCallback(obj) {
document.write(' <ul style="text-transform: capitalize;" >');
var i;
for (i = 0; i < obj.count ; i++)
var href = "'" + obj.value.items[i].link + "'";
var item = " <li >" + " <a href=" + href + " >" + obj.value.items[i].title + " </a > </li >";
document.write(' </ul >');
</script >
<script src="http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_render=json&_callback=pipeCallback&_id=ac99ebe0691031008a48d750fdbeaa67&url=http%3A%2F%2Fyournameblog.blogspot.com&num=10" type="text/javascript" > </script >
  • Changethe fontcolor red withyour blog address.Andthe fontcolor isbluewith thenumber ofarticlesthat will be displayedat randomorrandom post.
  • Don't forget to Save.
Source: http://jasapembuatanblog-murah.blogspot.com/

Thank you for visiting and reading the articles of my blog. Hopefully useful and fun .... Contact me iarryirawan07@gmail.com


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