World's most popular Search Engine - Internet search engines are the only one who delivered us from confusion and chaos surf the Internet. At present too much information providers on the Internet, and check them one by one without search engines is the job impossible.
And what are the advantages of each of the search engines? Here
we present a brief description of the perbandingkan search engine that
is quite popular, Yahoo!, Alltheweb, MSN, AskJeeves, Google, AltaVista,
and Lycos.
Let's look at the world's most popular Search Engine.
addition to web search, Google also provides services for searching
images, news and search? search on Archives of USENET (newsgroups), and
directory such as Yahoo! Weakness lies in the unavailability of file
search, video, and audio. Google's advantage is
mainly on text searches, especially of the PageRank algorithm, its
database as well as a large number of file types index.
currently google became the world's most popular Search Engine
Search engine from Microsoft Network offers search by keyword or from a directory. Internet Explorer users will most likely have already been using this search engine. Searchenginewatch
site record MSN as a search engine popular third after Google and
Yahoo! image search does not exist, or the news. Provide map search, yellow pages, white pages, search jobs, home.
One of the largest Internet portal, MSN., and also one of the oldest pencaru machine. The main page itself is not very friendly for searching, but Yahoo! provides for it. Yahoo! using Google's services to find information on the web, coupled with information from its database. Advantages of Yahoo! is its directory. Yahoo! also offers search of yellow pages and maps, which are still limited to the United States. Yahoo also provides image search.
Search Alltheweb is the excellence files on the FTP Server. Unlike the web, FTP is an internet technology intended for storing and distributing files, usually audio or video programs. The Web is actually more intended for text. So far, only the search service AllTheWeb file.
Search engine sites this one features the ability to understand human language. Users can use complete sentences, not keywords. This site is useful to know the answer to a question (example: when did world war II end?).
One moment, AltaVista was once the largest search engine. Currently, in addition to Alltheweb, Altavista also offer audio and video search. Benefits of AltaVista Search option is the most complete of all the search engines.
Lycos Wednesday
One of the oldest search engines. Currently known as the Lycos portal, so that its search function is not too prominent. Lycos, in addition to supporting web search, it also provides a search of MP3 files, and video at
Various Search Engine world,
Aeiwi,, Alexa, AlltheWeb, AltaVista, amphibians, Amidalla,
AnooX, Any Search Info, AOL Search, Directory Arakne Links, Atixa,
AxxaSearch, Beamed, Boitho,, CHEInternet, Cipinet, Click And
Search, CyborgInfo, DinoSearch, e-sygoing, Dogpile,,
ExactSeek, Exalead, Excite, FindOnce, Fresh Links, Geona, Green Search,
HaaBaa, Hedir, HomerWeb,,, Infosniff,
HOTLAVA, Jayde, Infotiger, IntelSeek, jdgo, Librarians, Index to the
Internet, MavicaNet, MetaCrawler (via Google and the Open Directory
Project), MixCat, Mozdex, MSN Search,
NationalDirectory, Navisso Search, NBCi, NetArtic Search, Netscape
Search, ObjectsSearch, OneWorldOneSite, ooBdoo, Open Directory Project,
OpenHere,, PleaseRetrive, PrimeFind, Search, Poddys Primo
Directory,, ReallyBigSearch, REX, Scrub The Web, Search4More,
SearchGalore, Sertchy,, singingfish, Sootle, SplatSearch,
Starting Point, Subjex,, The Search Brain, The Turnpike
Emporium Directory,, Voyager Search, W8 Search,
Walhello Internet Search, Web Wiz GuideWeb World
Index, the Web's Biggest, WebCrawler (via Google and the Open Directory
Project), WebSquash, WholeWorld, Wotbox, Yahoo! Directory, Yahoo! Search
Engine, Yahooligans!, Yeandi Web Directory, ZenSearch
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