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Friday, 17 May 2013

Experts advise us to consume at least two liters of water per day. This is because water is believed to cleanse toxins in the collapse. Do you already meet this standard? If not, you'll want to provide a bottle of water at your desk.

But do not be too excessive. Because the consumption of too much water it can also damage the kidneys. Water with more volume can destroy the balance of fluids.

Outside there sodium kidney cells that helps maintain fluid balance. When the excess water consumed, the sodium levels would not be provided, then the water began to seep into the cell. Thus, cells can easily stretch to a certain extent, or even rupture.

In addition to kidney problems, excessive water intake can also increase blood volume. Force the kidneys to work harder, in order to reduce the water content. Reported pages following Boldsky other problems caused due to excess water consumption.

swelling of the brain

Basically all parts of the human body contains water. In the brain, for example, there are about 70 percent more parts 'watery'. When water gets into the brain beyond its capacity, can affect the lining of the brain swelling.


When the brain contain excessive amounts of water, a person can be at risk of seizures and fainting. This is because the occurrence of pembengkakakn cells in the body.

Brain bleeding

This occurs because the brain cells are not able to accommodate the excess water. Certainly it can cause internal bleeding. If not addressed promptly can lead to coma and even death.

Related to this, it seems to be the focus of attention. Especially for sports fans who often consume water instead of body fluids. So there are no overhidrasi or excess water, you should not drink water in large quantities at once. Should be gradual.

source: vivalife

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