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Friday 12 April 2013

Google - Yahoo - Bing
Ways To Fast Blog Indexed Google - Yahoo - Bing
Indexed by search engines is very important for the progress and development of the blog / website, without in the index will be lonely visitor to your blog and it looks dead even if you write quality content but still fresh and your item will be buried like, well this is where the SEO knowledge function so that the content on your blog indexed by a recognizable and search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines for nearly 60% of visitors will come from search engines, There are several techniques or strategies that should be applied to make fast indexed.

Submit Sitemap to the Search Engine Google / Bing

A sitemap is a list of contents that explains about what is on the blog / website, sitemap here is not that such content is on the page but in the form of an XML sitemap, XML is a language that is only understood by the search engines. For Wordpress users can create a sitemap plugin, and for Blogspot users usually already integrated, as in the example below.

Please submit your sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools, for Bing / Yahoo please submit to Bing Webmaster Tools

Link Building For Fast Blog Indexed Search Engines

For indexed fast you should build links to your post page, do not just look for the link leads to the homepage of course, look for dofollow links that point to your content. It will also make your blog becomes popular and reliable in the eyes of search engines, search engines like Google are very pleased with the blog / web that have relevant dofollow links that point to your blog page and even Google Pagerank is what you get.

How to Quickly Indexed Google With Social Bookmarking / Social Media

One way that is very fast so your blog indexed by search engines is by sharing (share) your content on social bookmarking sites are widely encountered in today's like Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Linkedin, etc. or social bookmarking sites like infogue Indonesia, cross. me, Debuk, etc.. In addition to the blog you will also get traffic from social media sites such.

Internal Linking In Pages Blog / Website

If you want a new page on your site indexed fast then internal linking will be very useful. Mention your new page with the anchor text of links, and update (updated) pages that have been indexed previously to include a link to your new page (make sure your previous discussion on the content matches your new content).

Linking your web page is not just about building external backlinks. It is also very important to build links within your website (internal linking) that will alert search engines of the presence of new content on your website.

Ping a website / blog to call Google / Bing spider

Ping was originally a method for bloggers to alert the search engines of new content in their blogs. However, it has been developed in which every person can use it to update (update) not only blogs but also traditional websites

Pinging is a very useful tool to warn the search engines and directories for updates in your content.
There are many websites available online ping service. Some of the best I know is:




Comments On Blog To Quickly Indexed Search Engine

Blog with an active readership and lots of new content will be crawled by the search engines on a regular basis, with comments on blogs like that then you will get the impact of its popularity and will get its own page indexed quickly. Try to comment on the latest post on blogs that are well known and have a high ranking, this is a very effective way to get new pages indexed faster and make sure that you use the pages you want indexed as your website URL when commenting not only the home page (homepage) only.

Content Update Blog / Website Regularly

Make sure you update your site regularly, fresh content is important to get new pages indexed. If the existing content on your blog is stale then the search engines will not explore (crawl) your blog on a regular basis, on the other hand, if you keep your blog fresh and updated (although updating the index page), then search engine spiders will keep coming back. As the reason why a lot of blogs have good ranking and its content indexed faster because none other than the blog owner frequently update their sites with fresh new content.

That's some seo tips on how to blog quickly indexed by the search engine / search engine according to my experience, if there is a shortage and other suggestions can be submitted via comments


Thank you for visiting and reading the articles of my blog. Hopefully useful and fun .... Contact me iarryirawan07@gmail.com


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