Noah (Hebrew: נוֹחַ, Noah; Tiberias: נֹחַ; Arabic: نوح) (about 3993-3043 BC) was the apostle recounted in the Torah, Bible and Quran. Noah was made around the year 3650 BC prophet. Estimated that he lived in the south of modern Iraq. His name is mentioned 58 times in 48 verses in the New Living Translation 9 books [5] and 43 times in the Quran.
According to the Qur'an, he had 4 boys are right, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. But the Bible only records, he had 3 sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The book of Genesis records, in his time the flood that covered the entire earth, only his family (wife, three sons, and three law) and the animals in the ark of Noah who survived the flood. After the flood subsided, Noah's family returned to the earth-repopulation.
According to the Qur'an, he had 4 boys are right, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. But the Bible only records, he had 3 sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The book of Genesis records, in his time the flood that covered the entire earth, only his family (wife, three sons, and three law) and the animals in the ark of Noah who survived the flood. After the flood subsided, Noah's family returned to the earth-repopulation.
Suyuti tells Noah that the name is not derived from the Arabic, but from the Syriac language meaning "thankful" or "always grateful". The judge said she called Noah because of frequent crying, his real name is Abdul Ghafar (Servant of the Most Forgiving).
Meanwhile, according to a story from the Torah's real name is Noah Nahm which later became the name of a city, in the village cemetery Noah built al Waqsyah Nahm region.
Noah got the title of God as the prophet of God and Abdussyakur which means "servant (of Allah) are most grateful".
In Islam, Prophet Noah was third after Adam, and Idris. He was the ninth descendant of Adam. His father was Lamik (Lamaka) bin Metusyalih | Mutawasylah (Matu Salij) bin Idris bin Yarid Qainan bin bin bin Mahlail Anusyi Syits bin Adam bin. Between Adam and Noah there span 10 generations and over a period of approximately 1642 years.
Noah lived for 950 years. He has a wife named Wafilah, [8] while some sources said that Noah's wife was the daughter of Tzila or Amzurah Namaha bint Barakil [9] and has four sons, that is right, Yafith, Sham and Ham.
Noah was the first apostle of God who was sent to this earth, while Adam, Idris, sent Syits and previously was acclaimed prophet, not as the messenger because they do not have the people or the people.
From Ibn Kathir that Noah was sent to the Bani Rasib. He was born 126 years after the death of Prophet Adam, while according to the Book he was born 140 years after the Prophet Adam. He was first sent messengers to mankind. Residents are known as the Banu Rasib diserunya.
Ibn Abi Hatim: Abu Umamah heard one say to the Prophet "O Messenger of God, whether Adam was a prophet?" The Prophet replied "Yes". The man asked again: "How Long of them with Noah?" The Prophet Answering "ten generations"
Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet Noah was sent to his family at the age of 480 years. The period is 120 years old and prophetic preaching for 5 centuries. He waded flood when he was 600 years old, and then after the flood he lived for 350 years.
Ibn Abi Hatim of Urwah ibn al-Zubayr that Wadd, Suwa, Yaghuth, Ya'uq and Nasr was the son of Prophet Adam. Wadd is the oldest of them and the most pious among them.
Ibn Abbas reported that when the Prophet Isa bin Nuh Ham turn, she asks him why his hair graying, he replied he died at a young age because of her fear when it floods. He said that the length of Noah's ark is 1200 600 Kubit Kubit and wide and has 3 layers.
Migration of Suq Thamanim to Babylon
Ibn Tabari tells after the ship docked in the mountains of Ararat, he then built a city in the Ararat region (Qarda) in an area that includes the cities of Mesopotamia and named Themanon (Twenty eight cities) because the city was built by people who believe that totaled 80 people. Now the place is known as Suq Thamanin.
Ibn Abbas then told that Noah built the city and all the descendants of Suq Thamanin Qayin destroyed. According to Al-Harith Ibn Hisham bin Muhammad Sad from his father from Abu Salih from Ibn Abbas said, "when Suq Thamanin be filled with the descendants of Noah they moved to Babylon and built the city".
Abd al Ghafar tell when the ship docked in the hills on the day of Ashura Judi.
Prayer Noah to offspring
Ibn Ishaq says that the three sons of Noah prayed. Noah prayed for Sam to be descendants of the prophets and apostles. Noah prayed Yafith descent to become kings, while the descendants of Ham he pray for a man from the descendants Yafith and Sam.
When Noah turned up, he prayed that the descendants of Gomer and Kush became kings, because they both serve his grandfather when he was up.
Ibn Abbas reported that the descendants of Sam lowering of the white, lower Yafith red and brown-skinned people, while ham lowers bagsa Blacks and a small percentage were white.
Right bin Nuh
Of the four sons of Noah, only three people who survived the flood, as obedient and follow his teachings brought. As one of the oldest son again, that Kan'an, drowned. Noah was sad because his son did not want to follow his teachings. Meanwhile, according to Hasan al-Basri found Kan'an stepson Noah is the son of the rebellious wife.
Yafith son of Noah
Ibn Tabari mentions Yafith wife named Arbasisah bint Al Darmasil Marazil bin bin bin bin Qayin Akhnukh Mehujael son and her son Adam Yafith lower 7orang boys and 1 girl, that Gomer, Marihu, Wa'il, Hawwan, Tubal, Hawshil and Thiras. The daughter of Yafith is Shabokah.
Sam bin Noah
Ibn Tabari mentions Sam's wife named Shalib bint Batawil Akhnukh bin bin bin Mehujael Qayin her son Adam and Sam lowered Arfaqsyad, Asshur, Lud, Elam, and Aram.
Ham the son of Noah
Ibn Tabari mentions wife named Ham Nahlab bint Al Darmasil Marib bin bin bin bin Qayin Akhnukh Mehujael son and her son Adam Ham lose 4 children of men, that is Cush, Put, Canaan and Qibthy or Mizraim.
According to Ibn Ishaq is not known whether the Syrians are a mother or a mother whose son Sam is different from the other. Sam lived in Mecca and of the offspring is lower Arpaksyad prophets and apostles. Then from his lowering of the Arabs and the ancient Egyptians. Yafith descendants reigned for non-Arab regions such as Turkey, Khazar and last king of Persia who is the son of Shahriyar bin Abrawiz Yazdajird are still the descendants of Gomer son Yafith son of Noah.
Sam descendants lived in Majdal located earth are Satidama area (an area of northern Iraq and eastern Anatolia section), between Yemen and Syria. God gave them the Book and Prophethood, and gives the skin a brown color and white.
AD ʿ developing nations in a valley called Al-Shihr (Southern Section Arabia overlooking the Indian Ocean) and destroyed disuatu valley called Valley Mughith.
Then Mahrah settled in the valley of Al-Shihr. Ubayl Yasthrib develops in the region, developing Amalek before named Sana Sana. Some of the descendants of Amalek then went to Yathrib and drive the Ubayl, which later evolved Jubayl Juhfah region, but the flood destroyed them so called Al-Juhfah region (the sweep).
Thamud lived in Hijr and around it and destroyed there. TASM and Judays dwelling Yamamah and then destroyed, when Umaym entered the Al Abar (Wabar, somewhere in Yemen) and perished there. Around Yamamah and Al Shihr not traveling there because the area had been controlled by Jin. The area is known as Ubar because it comes from the name of bin Abar Umaym.
The descendants of Joktan son of Eber entered Yemen Yemen and later renamed the South mean. Some people from entering Syria Kan'an whose name was Al-Sha'm therefore Syria territory formerly known as Sham.
Told from Damrah of Ibn Ata ibn Rabiah of father that Ham lowering offspring black and curly-haired. Their hair is thin. Yafith lower flat-faced breeds and small eyes or eyes, while Sam lowered offspring handsome and beautiful hair.
Suyuti tells Noah that the name is not derived from the Arabic, but from the Syriac language meaning "thankful" or "always grateful". The judge said she called Noah because of frequent crying, his real name is Abdul Ghafar (Servant of the Most Forgiving).
Meanwhile, according to a story from the Torah's real name is Noah Nahm which later became the name of a city, in the village cemetery Noah built al Waqsyah Nahm region.
Noah got the title of God as the prophet of God and Abdussyakur which means "servant (of Allah) are most grateful".
In Islam, Prophet Noah was third after Adam, and Idris. He was the ninth descendant of Adam. His father was Lamik (Lamaka) bin Metusyalih | Mutawasylah (Matu Salij) bin Idris bin Yarid Qainan bin bin bin Mahlail Anusyi Syits bin Adam bin. Between Adam and Noah there span 10 generations and over a period of approximately 1642 years.
Noah lived for 950 years. He has a wife named Wafilah, [8] while some sources said that Noah's wife was the daughter of Tzila or Amzurah Namaha bint Barakil [9] and has four sons, that is right, Yafith, Sham and Ham.
Noah was the first apostle of God who was sent to this earth, while Adam, Idris, sent Syits and previously was acclaimed prophet, not as the messenger because they do not have the people or the people.
From Ibn Kathir that Noah was sent to the Bani Rasib. He was born 126 years after the death of Prophet Adam, while according to the Book he was born 140 years after the Prophet Adam. He was first sent messengers to mankind. Residents are known as the Banu Rasib diserunya.
Ibn Abi Hatim: Abu Umamah heard one say to the Prophet "O Messenger of God, whether Adam was a prophet?" The Prophet replied "Yes". The man asked again: "How Long of them with Noah?" The Prophet Answering "ten generations"
Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet Noah was sent to his family at the age of 480 years. The period is 120 years old and prophetic preaching for 5 centuries. He waded flood when he was 600 years old, and then after the flood he lived for 350 years.
Ibn Abi Hatim of Urwah ibn al-Zubayr that Wadd, Suwa, Yaghuth, Ya'uq and Nasr was the son of Prophet Adam. Wadd is the oldest of them and the most pious among them.
Ibn Abbas reported that when the Prophet Isa bin Nuh Ham turn, she asks him why his hair graying, he replied he died at a young age because of her fear when it floods. He said that the length of Noah's ark is 1200 600 Kubit Kubit and wide and has 3 layers.
Migration of Suq Thamanim to Babylon
Ibn Tabari tells after the ship docked in the mountains of Ararat, he then built a city in the Ararat region (Qarda) in an area that includes the cities of Mesopotamia and named Themanon (Twenty eight cities) because the city was built by people who believe that totaled 80 people. Now the place is known as Suq Thamanin.
Ibn Abbas then told that Noah built the city and all the descendants of Suq Thamanin Qayin destroyed. According to Al-Harith Ibn Hisham bin Muhammad Sad from his father from Abu Salih from Ibn Abbas said, "when Suq Thamanin be filled with the descendants of Noah they moved to Babylon and built the city".
Abd al Ghafar tell when the ship docked in the hills on the day of Ashura Judi.
Prayer Noah to offspring
Ibn Ishaq says that the three sons of Noah prayed. Noah prayed for Sam to be descendants of the prophets and apostles. Noah prayed Yafith descent to become kings, while the descendants of Ham he pray for a man from the descendants Yafith and Sam.
When Noah turned up, he prayed that the descendants of Gomer and Kush became kings, because they both serve his grandfather when he was up.
Ibn Abbas reported that the descendants of Sam lowering of the white, lower Yafith red and brown-skinned people, while ham lowers bagsa Blacks and a small percentage were white.
Right bin Nuh
Of the four sons of Noah, only three people who survived the flood, as obedient and follow his teachings brought. As one of the oldest son again, that Kan'an, drowned. Noah was sad because his son did not want to follow his teachings. Meanwhile, according to Hasan al-Basri found Kan'an stepson Noah is the son of the rebellious wife.
Yafith son of Noah
Ibn Tabari mentions Yafith wife named Arbasisah bint Al Darmasil Marazil bin bin bin bin Qayin Akhnukh Mehujael son and her son Adam Yafith lower 7orang boys and 1 girl, that Gomer, Marihu, Wa'il, Hawwan, Tubal, Hawshil and Thiras. The daughter of Yafith is Shabokah.
Sam bin Noah
Ibn Tabari mentions Sam's wife named Shalib bint Batawil Akhnukh bin bin bin Mehujael Qayin her son Adam and Sam lowered Arfaqsyad, Asshur, Lud, Elam, and Aram.
Ham the son of Noah
Ibn Tabari mentions wife named Ham Nahlab bint Al Darmasil Marib bin bin bin bin Qayin Akhnukh Mehujael son and her son Adam Ham lose 4 children of men, that is Cush, Put, Canaan and Qibthy or Mizraim.
According to Ibn Ishaq is not known whether the Syrians are a mother or a mother whose son Sam is different from the other. Sam lived in Mecca and of the offspring is lower Arpaksyad prophets and apostles. Then from his lowering of the Arabs and the ancient Egyptians. Yafith descendants reigned for non-Arab regions such as Turkey, Khazar and last king of Persia who is the son of Shahriyar bin Abrawiz Yazdajird are still the descendants of Gomer son Yafith son of Noah.
Sam descendants lived in Majdal located earth are Satidama area (an area of northern Iraq and eastern Anatolia section), between Yemen and Syria. God gave them the Book and Prophethood, and gives the skin a brown color and white.
AD ʿ developing nations in a valley called Al-Shihr (Southern Section Arabia overlooking the Indian Ocean) and destroyed disuatu valley called Valley Mughith.
Then Mahrah settled in the valley of Al-Shihr. Ubayl Yasthrib develops in the region, developing Amalek before named Sana Sana. Some of the descendants of Amalek then went to Yathrib and drive the Ubayl, which later evolved Jubayl Juhfah region, but the flood destroyed them so called Al-Juhfah region (the sweep).
Thamud lived in Hijr and around it and destroyed there. TASM and Judays dwelling Yamamah and then destroyed, when Umaym entered the Al Abar (Wabar, somewhere in Yemen) and perished there. Around Yamamah and Al Shihr not traveling there because the area had been controlled by Jin. The area is known as Ubar because it comes from the name of bin Abar Umaym.
The descendants of Joktan son of Eber entered Yemen Yemen and later renamed the South mean. Some people from entering Syria Kan'an whose name was Al-Sha'm therefore Syria territory formerly known as Sham.
Told from Damrah of Ibn Ata ibn Rabiah of father that Ham lowering offspring black and curly-haired. Their hair is thin. Yafith lower flat-faced breeds and small eyes or eyes, while Sam lowered offspring handsome and beautiful hair.
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