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Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Yamaha YZF-R250 bakal banyak peminatnya
Yamaha R15, mesinnya V-ixion beda baju saja
JAKARTA, TUESDAY - PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) have much bullets for the firing of new competitors in the motorcycle market in Indonesia. Even stock that belongs to quite a lot with various models. There are varieties of ducks and also a sport.

Leak, the near future is Yamaha Vega ZR launching, duck with a capacity of 113.2 cc. Exact date, supposedly still peeping neighbors, Honda is also ready to launch 110 cc duck. Then, in the future, bearing the manufacturer's tuning fork featuring Jupiter Z.

That was it! No, YMKI had YZF-R250 which in Europe is sliding. Competitors, Suzuki GSX-250 and Kawasaki Ninja 250. Body similar to the YZF-R250 YZF-R125 is already circulating, only use 250 cc engine alone. That said, this Yamaha sport bike comes in 2010 or 2009 and are the fastest adopted 2 cylinders.
Yamaha X1R diragukan oleh YMKI karena modelnya kurang disukai konsumen Indonesia

In addition, there Yamaha V-Ixion who called Yamaha R15 in India and was already circulating. The difference, V-Ixion already wearing fairing. Rumor, Yamaha R15 is no possibility of ground water will enliven the market and are still monitoring YMKI Indonesian public interest.
Another new bullet Yamaha X1R in Thailand has long been launched. The engine such as Jupiter and headlights MX135LC Nouvo-Z models with naked handlebars. This duck is still stored YMKI and waiting the right moment. The desire to quickly sell X1R not appear because the Yamaha a bit hesitant with the model.

Lastly, MX tech injeksi.Kabarnya, this duck will enliven market homeland after first Vega ZR and new Jupiter Z. Even earlier, will appear first face lift version first. Of the improvements in the machinery sector. This injection fastest MX 2009. (Team Motor Plus)


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