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Saturday 13 April 2013

Treat Sore Throat
Natural Ways to Treat Sore Throat- Sore throat is a mild type of disease that can be treated in a natural way. A sore throat can be caused by several factors, flu and strep sepertu tengggorokan. Sore throat can lead to a sense of dryness in the throat.
Although classified as a mild disease, sore throat is not a disease that should be ignored. Sore throat treatment can be done by taking a drug that can be found in the shop. However, there are ways that herbs can cure a sore throat.
The following herbal ingredients to treat a sore throat.
sore throat, strep throat cure, treat sore throat tips1. Warm waterDrinking warm water can lubricate and keep the throat. With emphasis on drinking, especially drinking warm water can relieve a sore throat.
2. Raspberry leaf teaRaspberry leaf tea is a versatile tea. In addition to use as a drink only tea, raspberry leaf tea can also be used to gargle for treating sore throat.
3. Hot water and eucalyptus oilHot water is added with eucalyptus oil can be used as a drug to treat a sore throat. The trick drop some eucalyptus oil into a bowl of hot water and inhale a mixture of water and the eucalyptus oil. This method serves to help open the nasal passages and treat infections that may cause a sore throat.
4. Lemon and honeyOther herbal ingredients to treat a sore throat is a lemon and honey. Mixture of lemon and honey can cope with drought in the throat. In addition, this mixture can also relieve itching in the throat. Another benefit is to overcome strep throat.
5. Hard candySucking on hard candies can also treat sore throat. The sugar in candy is a source of sedative throat. Sucking hard candy beneficial to increase the production of saliva, which naturally can stop the dryness of the throat.
Those are some natural ways to treat a sore throat. However, drinking plenty of water, especially warm water is the most easy to do. It is not wrong to buy painkillers throat in stalls, but no one also tried to do the herbal treatment of sore throat.

Source: http://sehat-secara-alami.blogspot.com/ 

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