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Friday 12 April 2013

Headline - United States Space Agency (NASA) and U.S. lawmakers have different plans in exploring space.NASA wanted to capture an asteroid like in the movie Armageddon, while U.S. legislators want NASA to continue exploration on the moon.
When proposing the budget for the year 2014, NASA confirmed to continue the ambitious project by landing astronauts on an asteroid.However, U.S. lawmakers asked NASA to keep researching in 2020.
President Barack Obama has approved a plan to provide NASA with a budget of U.S. $ 1 million, equivalent to Rp 9, 7 billion, for the year 2014. At first, NASA will send astronauts to the space rock using a space rocket and Orion capsule in 2012.
However, some members of the House of Representatives rejected the plan outright NASA captures asteroid, and collect his promise ever said it would land astronauts back on the moon by 2020 in the "RE-asserting American Leadership in Space Act" in 2012 ago.
"The moon is a celestial closest to the Earth and to reach it requires only a few days," said Bill Posey, Republican politician, who quoted from The Christian Science Monitor, Friday, April 12, 2013.
"NASA should continue the mission to the moon for the development of the technology and explore it further," said Posey.
According to Rob Bishop, Board Member of the U.S. Republican Party, needs to be accelerated completion of the Draft Law (RUU) which will not only just landed astronauts on the moon.
"But it also keep the space program has a clear purpose in the advancement of science and technology for the nation of the United States. Regulation will clarify the role of NASA in performing space mission," said Bishop.
Head of NASA, Charles Bolden, were consistent with the establishment of landing a man on an asteroid. However, he admits, that the plan will not be realized in the near future.
"NASA is not going to go to the moon by using humans as researchers. Still there are other important things that must be done by NASA," said Bolden. (Ren)


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