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Monday, 8 April 2013

Most Arrogant(Foto: Daily Mail) 
SAN FRANCISCO - A 17-year-old boy from San Francisco claimed that he was a very wealthy man in the world. Proudly action makes splashy internet users.

Lavish show off their wealth by posting pictures of her with his luxury goods in social media Instagram and also upload the video to YouTube.

"My life such as Louis Vuitton, everyone would want it," wrote Lavish instagramnya account named itslavishbitch.

It also shows the bespectacled young man his fortune with a series of videos on YouTube. In one video shows him counting stacks of money as much as $ 100, or approximately Rp975 thousand (Rp9.752 per USD).

In another video he tied pile of money on some balloons and deliberately fly.

Lavish arrogant action apparently angered some Internet users. Many consider Lavish is a leech sucking the wealth their parents and their parents just spend possessions.

"You're not rich, your mom and dad is rich. You like a leech to your parents, "said one Internet user. Similarly, as quoted from the Metro, Saturday (06/04/2013).

However, there is one of the internet users are impressed by the action and expressed support. "That man is a hero." Lavish wrote one supporter.

Source : http://international.okezone.com/ 

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