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Monday, 1 April 2013

Magical things can not be separated from public life in Bali. of everyday life, ceremonies or something. community in bali great respect something Void (invisible), and quoted in several sites, friends anehdidunia.com we will share a little of what we can know about the occult in bali. 

1. Pengleakan 

is black magic that comes from bali, generally those who do pengeleakan gain immortality (can not die). pengleakan science has multiple levels was seen from its form when jamming leak, the lower is turned into a dog, while the highest is to be a monkey. Science pengleakan is taboo in bali, someone who is known to have ngeleak science should not be touched on science, especially flock to his house, carrying torches and shouting, because it seems someone high pengleakannya science could kill a village in one night. 

2. Leak

  pengleakan different, if pengleakan is science, while Leak is Void creatures (invisible) situated in bali. Leak some merely annoying, but some are able to kill someone in a terrible way.  

 3. Rangda 
Durgha Goddess is the embodiment of anger, the wife of the god Siwa (Balinese Hindu mythology). Rangda is the queen of the leak. his form is bulging eyes, long nails long, extremely long canine teeth, a tongue to toe and there are lots of fireballs over her tongue and took a white cloth in his hands. Rangda usually appears at Pura Dalem (temple where worshiping Lord Shiva, always near the cemetery) on certain days, supposedly someone will see Rangda sick for 3 days, and someone who is touched with white linen belonging rangda will die and can not be rebirth (reincarnation) if you look rangda, should run at full hardness into place so far away, if you're lucky you can still live longer.  
4. Celuluk 
Celuluk is one stooge stooge rangda, his form is hollow eyes, big teeth and a big bald head front. Celuluk can not kill a man because he is a very timid Leak. however celuluk dross like nakutii scare people. Celuluk has a laugh that was terrible and sinister beings, but if we threaten Celuluk, he will be scared and disappeared. Celuluk commonly arise in the forests, rivers, bridges were deserted, as well as intersection close to the grave. Celuluk more often appeared to humans than other leak leak. List celuluk sightings I've ever heard: - Great Bridge Nungnung, evening, Tabanan - Intersection heading Dalem temple Timpag village, Tabanan - Great river under the highway Tanah Lot, Munggu, Badung - Tourist area botanical garden, Bedugul, Tabanan  
5. Calonarang 
This is an art show in Bali is still often performed up to now, players Calonarang is a Balian (shaman) who has a supernatural high, the core of this show is to call Leak leak around the venue to pitted his power with the leak leak, if the Balian lose it Balian is going to die. This highly prestigious event among Balian healers and generally aim to show magic or be recognized by other people that he has supernatural powers eminence. The show begins Calonarang midnight and the TV audience was not allowed to leave the venue until the show is over (usually limit the venue was given a protective boundary line as a sign of the shaman magic to the TV audience if someone desperate to leave the venue before the event is finished, it will be disturbed leak by leak, called in by the healers or even killed. 

Source : http://www.anehdidunia.com/2013/03/hal-mistis-di-pulau-bali.html

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