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Monday, 1 April 2013

Friend of Human "Man's best friend" phrase has new meaning when you consider the courageous canines. We highlight some of the bravest dogs in history, from the black poodle who fought in the Napoleonic Wars to the Belgian Malinois is involved in an attack on Osama bin Laden's compound. Pictured is the famous statue in Edinburgh, Scotland, from Greyfriars Bobby, a terrier who guarded the tomb owner for 14 years.
1. Balto 

Sled dog Balto was the lead on the last leg of the delivery, medical famous for saving lives Nome, Alaska, in 1925. There was a serious outbreak of diphtheria in the city, and medical officials needed antitoxins to prevent upper respiratory tract infection from spreading. Dose nearest are in Anchorage. Officials were forced to rely on dogsleds to deliver the antitoxins because it's very cool to make other transportation modes is not possible. Running take seven days.

At the time of Balto and his team are on the road with their cargo, sled driver Gunnar Kaasen (with Balto at left) could barely see in front of him and had to rely on the dogs to reach Nome without his direction. Balto was celebrated as heroes upon their arrival in Nome, and then the media tour. A statue dedicated to him in Central Park in New York City.
2. Belgian Malinois 

One of the four types of Belgian sheep herding dogs, Belgian Malinois highly valued for their ability to perform in a dangerous situation. Used by SWAT teams and military around the world, dogs are easily trained for all kinds of tasks, including the smell of drugs and bombs, personal protection and search and rescue missions.

Though easily mistaken for a German shepherd, a dog has a more elegant build of their cousin, without sacrificing speed, power or agility.
3. Laika 

History remembers Yuri Gagarin the first man in space in 1961, but he was preceded in 1957 by Laika, a female terrier mix who scooped from the streets of Moscow and rocketed into the history - became the first animals to orbit the earth. Launched in Russian satellite Sputnik 2, Laika became a global celebrity as the world admire his courage.

Awe quickly turned to anger as it was revealed shortly after the launch that the Soviets did not have a way to return Laika to earth safely. He died after four days on the satellite because it was too hot, and he's still burned as Sputnik 2 re-enters the Earth's atmosphere.
4. Smoky 

Yorkshire terrier is 4-pound great stay. Smoky was found in the forests of Papua New Guinea, and immediately bought by an American soldier, Bill Wynne. Wynne trained, according to the site Yorkie Doodle Dandy, and a dog, a small 7-inch with her for two years during World War II. While abroad, he entertained the troops and was awarded for bravery, saving the lives of Wynne at least one occasion to warn him of incoming fire on a transport ship.

After the war, Smoky and Wynne returned to Cleveland, Ohio, and continued to entertain veterans and the community. He is memorialized with a statue in Lakewood, Ohio.
5. Sgt. Stubby 

Serving with the 102nd Infantry, 26th (Yankee) Division, Sgt. Stubby was a pit bull mix who sneak trip to the battlefields of World War I in France and became the unit's mascot. Shortly after arriving, the unit was hit with an attack Stubby gas. After that, Stubby - the sense of smell and hearing - be alert for an incoming attack unit to allow time for people to wear gas masks.

Stubby became a search and rescue dog that ideal. He sniffed out a German spy, earning him a promotion to sergeant, the dog is only ever to receive promotions via combat.
6. Hachiko 

Hachiko, an Akita Inu, is one of the most faithful dogs in history. Hachiko would meet the owner every day at Shibuya Station in Tokyo as the owner returned from work. In 1925, the owner died while at work and never returned home. Hachiko returned to the train station day after day, even escape from the new owners to wait for the return of the deceased owner.

A statue of Hachiko in Shibuya Station now stands, and where Hachiko stood for years characterized by a set of foot prints in bronze.
7. Struggle Tsunami Dogs 

The dog is not only man best friend, they are also friends of each style. After the earthquake and tsunami rocked Japan, people rushing for shelter. However, the media stunned by a dog who lives on the other side, the dog was injured. Guard dog growled and barked at the man approaching, no doubt concerned for the welfare of his dog companion.

Finally, the rescue team was able to calm dogs - enough to bring the dogs to safety for medical treatment.
8. Mancs 

A famous rescue dog from Hungary, mancs (whose name means "foot") is a member of the Special Rescue Team Spider Miskolc, Hungary. Mancs and teams around the world to search for survivors after an earthquake. Mancs known for his keen sense of smell and he was sent clear signals to the rescue to show if someone is still alive under the rubble.

A statue mancs (on the left) was established in Miskolc in 2004, two years before his death.
9. Moustache 

Moustache, a black poodle, perhaps the oddest additions to the list. Part of the story is believed to be fictitious, but the mustache fame spread far and wide, including write-ups in the New York Times.

His most accomplished moments are said to have occurred during the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805, in which the whiskers are not only detected and cornered spy Austria (seen at left), but the French flag brought back to camp after losing his legs in an explosion of artillery. Moustache received a medal for bravery and dedication.
10. Rags Rags, mixed-breed terrier, fought alongside the U.S. 1st Infantry Division in World War I. Pvt. James Donovan tripped on the dog while he was in Paris - initially using the dog as an excuse to avoid being arrested for going without permission. He returned to his duties, take along a dog as a mascot division. Rags soon became a dog carrier, noted in hazardous areas for the various posts.
Rags and Donovan were both involved in a serious gas attack and was sent back to the United States. Donovan died in hospital, but Rags survived and became a celebrity across the country, eventually rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was buried with military honors in Silver Spring, Md.
11. Dogs in Iraq and Afghanistan 

Many breeds of dogs served in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they are very helpful in bomb and drug detection operations. Many dogs were killed in the fighting, the explosion or confrontation with the rebel forces.

Source : http://indo-comunity.blogspot.com/2011/05/11-anjing-paling-berani-dalam-sejarah.html 

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